Just a brilliant piece, Tom. While I still subscribed to Spotify, I found a 5,000 song playlist of songs played on his Mansion of Fun. I transferred that playlist to Apple Music and am listening to it now. Such a songfest of blues, jazz, rock, pop, African music, Latin American music, Brazilian sounds, the Great American Songbook, Broadway soundtracks, and even opera. You could program such a show, Tom. Not many others could.

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Thanks for reading! I am tracking down that playlist!....his show took so many emotional twists, every time. I'd love to try doing something like that, but I don't think anyone could bring it together like David....

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So great. Thanks for experiencing and sharing!

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Thanks for reading!

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This may be the best piece I've read about Johansen in the flood of stories following his death. Truly.

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Thanks for reading!

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